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Third-party Apps and Plugins

217 files

  1. gog.com Plugin

    Update: With it's 10.11 Release Launchbox has native support for importing games from gog.com that should work better that this I will still leave this up here in case somebody using an older version of Launchbox might want this.
    Plugin for importing games from gog.com.
    Readme and source code on github.
    Probably won't work on 32 bit systems.


       (0 reviews)



  2. KioskBox

    A Kiosk Mode Shell Replacement for LaunchBox BigBox.
    Source Code: https://github.com/BetaLeaf/KioskBox.
    README: https://github.com/BetaLeaf/KioskBox/blob/master/README.md
    If you have any issues, suggestions, or feedback, please use the Github Issue Tracker: https://github.com/BetaLeaf/KioskBox/issues/new/choose


       (0 reviews)



  3. Platform Consolidation Script

    I had a lot of duplicate MS-DOS games, and when I tried to use the "Consolidate roms for MS-DOS" tool, it would just say "The selected platform is not an emulated ROM-based platform." But I had so many duplicates that not consolidating them was not an option. So I wrote a script that imitates what the tool did for my PlayStation library.

    It seemed to work for me; now I only see one entry per game and I have the option of "additional apps" for the others.

    Usage instructions:

    - Download Python: https://www.python.org/downloads/
    - Double click on the script or run it via command line `python path/to/file`
    - Enter a full path to the platform you wish to consolidate 
      - Note: the platform should not have been consolidated already (i.e., it should have no additional apps for any game)
      - Platform XML files are located at LaunchBox\Data\Platforms
    - Script will generate a file called {file name}-consolidated; backup your previous XML file and then rename the new file to take its place
    - Make sure to remove all other XML files for the newly consolidated platform from the Data\Platforms folder or Launchbox may use one of those old/undesired files

    Here is the original question I asked on the forums about solving this:


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    1 comment


  4. vidswitch

    So I wrote a quick command line tool, that does what I personally think that Launch box should do.
    We should have options on how a program is executed.
    It’s written in C# and is on Github feel free to use any of this code to give launchbox some application launching options.
    Vidswitch is a simple command line application that allows you to launch a application maximized on any monitor, and can rotates that monitor. (Requires Dotnet 4.0 or higher)
    Parameter 1 - Display Number [ 1, 2, 3, 4, .... ]
    Parameter 2 - Rotation [ 0, 90, 180, 270 ]
    Parameter 3 - Application to launch
    Example: vidswitch 2 90 "c:\windows\system32\notepad.exe"
    Result: Launches notepad.exe on display 2, flips the monitor 90° and maximizes Notepad.
    After Notepad closes, it returns the monitor back to it's starting orientation.


       (0 reviews)



  5. Mame 0.220 NoNag

    mame64.exe - Normal Mame with Nags removed. For Version 0.220
    mamearcade64.exe - Normal Mame with all Mess systems removed, and with NoNags
    Its recommended to download the full 0.220 official pack and install it, then just overwrite the exe with the replacment, this covers any changes the mame devs may have made to the support files.
    After you have done this, make sure you copy the folders artwork, ctrlr, cheat, hlsl, ini, folders and the mame.ini file from your original mame folder, and move/copy them to the new install.  
    For those of you on old installs make sure in the mame.ini file you have  the following set.
    Skip_gameinfo  1


       (2 reviews)



  6. MAME 0.219 No Nag

    mame64.exe - Normal Mame with Nags removed.
    mamearcade64.exe - Mame Arcade ONLY emulation. (No MESS systems).
    Its recommended to download the full 0.219 official pack and install it, then just overwrite the exe with the replacment, this covers any changes the mame devs may have made to the support files.
    After you have done this, make sure you copy the folders artwork, ctrlr, cheat, hlsl, ini, folders and the mame.ini file from your original mame folder, and move/copy them to the new install.  


       (0 reviews)



  7. Batch file to Auto-Generate .m3us

    The new m3u auto generator for Launchbox is a great tool, but it also got me wondering if I couldn't create m3u files for every one of my Sony Playstation titles (including single disk games) and would that work in Retroarch? Something just appeals to me about the uniform file extension on import in Launchbox, and of course, if I wanted to launch games outside of the Launchbox environment I'd need some static m3us. I also wanted to have m3us with relative paths to the cue files, for simplicity sake.
    So I asked on Stack Overflow and, not long after, some genuis had posted a working batch script. I figured I'd share it. I also tested whether or not single cue m3us would work in Retroarch, and it turns out they do.  
    Your games directory should look like this:
    Main Directory/[Game Name]/[whatever name].cue 
    e.g Sony Playstation/Chrono Cross/disk 1.cue, disk 2.cue
    The bat file should be run from the main directory The bat file will name the m3u after the directory the cue files are in and place it in that same directory The bat file will create m3us in every subdirectory which holds at least 1 cue file (it doesn't single out multidisk games as it is now, so be aware of that) The bat file should work with any system provided it has the above directory set up and utilizes cue files The m3us list relative paths to the cue files, not absolute paths.  So continuing the above example, I ran the file in my "Sony Playstation" directory, and within the "Chrono Cross" directory an m3u file was generated and listed relative paths to all the cue files in that directory and was automatically named "Chrono Cross.m3u" (after the folder name, not the cue file(s) names or anything else in the folder).
    Lastly, the Stock Overflow user wrote a batch script for both NTFS and FAT hard drives. Apparently the code is different for each. I personally have not tested the FAT version as my drive is NTFS. If anyone wants to check the code, the user also left a thorough explanation  that is absolutely unreadable to me.  See here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/60049048/need-a-batch-file-to-create-and-name-m3us-in-subdirectories
    Hope it helps!


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  8. MAME 0.218 No Nag

    As @NJDave71 is no longer creating No Nags for Mame, here are 2 replacements.
    mame64.exe - Normal Mame with Nags removed.
    arcademame64.exe - This is a slimmed down version of Mame to just cover Arcade only (please note it only covers Arcade)
    Its recommended to download the full 0.218 official pack and install it, then just overwrite the exe with the replacment, this covers any changes the mame devs may have made to the suppot files.
    After you have done this, make sure you copy the folders artwork, ctrlr, cheat, hlsl, ini, folders and the mame.ini file from your original mame folder, and move/copy them to the new install.  
    Tnx to KnC for this.


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  9. MAME No Nag

    MAME 0.218 NO NAG
    It’s time for MAME 0.218, the first MAME release of 2020! We’ve added a couple of very interesting alternate versions of systems this month. One is a location test version of NMK’s GunNail, with different stage order, wider player shot patterns, a larger player hitbox, and lots of other differences from the final release. The other is The Last Apostle Puppetshow, an incredibly rare export version of Home Data’s Reikai Doushi. Also significant is a newer version Valadon Automation’s Super Bagman. There’s been enough progress made on Konami’s medal games for a number of them to be considered working, including Buttobi Striker, Dam Dam Boy, Korokoro Pensuke, Shuriken Boy and Yu-Gi-Oh Monster Capsule. Don’t expect too much in terms of gameplay though — they’re essentially gambling games for children.
    There are several major computer emulation advances in this release, in completely different areas. Possibly most exciting is the ability to install and run Windows NT on the MIPS Magnum R4000 “Jazz” workstation, with working networking. With the assistance of Ash Wolf, MAME now emulates the Psion Series 5mx PDA. Psion’s EPOC32 operating system is the direct ancestor of the Symbian operating system, that powered a generation of smartphones. IDE and SCSI hard disk support for Acorn 8-bit systems has been added, the latter being one of the components of the BBC Domesday Project system. In PC emulation, Windows 3.1 is now usable with S3 ViRGE accelerated 2D video drivers. F.Ulivi has contributed microcode-level emulation of the iSBC-202 floppy controller for the Intel Intellec MDS-II system, adding 8" floppy disk support.
    Of course there are plenty of other improvements and additions, including re-dumps of all the incorrectly dumped GameKing cartridges, disassemblers for PACE, WE32100 and “RipFire” 88000, better Geneve 9640 emulation, and plenty of working software list addition
    Please visit @MadK9 
    Happy Gaming


       (3 reviews)



  10. Mame NoFiller Version 2

    A complete Mame Non Merged rom set for the version you are downloading. You must have this downloaded to your hard drive to use the batch file. If you have a seedbox you can use the included NoFiller v2 - *.txt file to copy / paste to a filter and only download those files if you don't want to use your own internet bandwidth downloaded a complete Non Merged rom set.
    What is this ?
    This is a batch file for people who only want to have a clean and streamlined set of games in their Arcade platform. It will copy out a curated set of roms from a full Mame rom set. The list of games selected was based off of input from people here on the forums, discord and my own personal experience playing these games growing up in the arcades back in the 80s and 90s. There are 434 rom files that will be copied out but there are some duplicates of a few games that have 2 or 4 player versions such as TMNT or Gauntlet for example, you can pick which one you want to use in your setup. (see below)
    This is not the end all be all set of games of course but it is a good solid base to build your own personal set from rather than trying to pare down a complete set of roms. I tried not to include games that had really funky controls or light gun games though I did include some trackball and spinner games.
    Included in the zip file you will find a batch file, spreadsheet document and 2 text files (1 list of roms and 1 list of games). The spreadsheet will allow people an easy way to maintain and add games as required. The rom list will make it easy to download only those files if you use a seedbox to get your roms from a torrent and the games list will let you compare what you have imported into Launchbox to see if anything is missing.
    How to use this:
    First you will need to download the Non-Merged rom set that the batch file was made with, using a different set than the bat file was intended for may or may not cause incompatibilities in roms. Then simply copy the batch file into the folder with all of the roms and double click the bat file, it will make a new folder within that folder and copy all of the roms into that newly created folder. From there you can copy that new folder of roms to anywhere you like and import them into Launchbox, be sure to update your rom path in your mame.ini to point this rom set location. You can now do whatever you like with your full set you downloaded, it is no longer needed for the NoFiller set to function, though you may want to keep a backup just in case.
    Extra Notes:
    Games that have problems importing into LB, will need to be imported individually.
    Akai Katana - akatana.zip
    Crossed Swords 2 - crswd2bl.zip
    KaGeKi - kagekiu.zip
    Sailormoon - sailormnnu.zip
    Wrestlefest - wwfwfestu.zip
    Games that have more than 1 rom file for 2 player or split screen variant.
    darius2 (3 screen)
    darius2d (2 screen)
    gauntlet (4 player)
    gauntlet2p (2 player)
    ssriders (4 player)
    ssridersabd (2 player)
    tmnt (4 player)
    tmnt2pj (2 player)
    xmen (4 player, 1 screen, pick any character)
    xmen6pu (6 player, 2 screen, coin slot determines character)
    List of games in this batch file.


       (3 reviews)



  11. Steam Tools Plugin

    This is a test release of Steam Tools for LaunchBox.
    To install, unzip the contents of the ZIP into LaunchBox's Plugins folder.  This plugin now supports being in a subfolder.
    Current Features:
    Basic Steam game import functionality Options Menu Automatic custom field if using LB Premium for use in playlists Optional automatic Hiding of uninstalled Steam games Optional automatic Un-Hiding of installed Steam games Background task for automatic updating of Installed/Uninstalled fields Basic loading of Metadata from Steam Option to download Clear Logos, Steam-Grid, and Header (as Fanart) images from Steam Source Code: https://github.com/Nielk1/LaunchBoxSteamToolsPlugin


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  12. Reset Play Count to zero - Plugin

    This is now a builtin LaunchBox feature as of release 10.7-beta-1.
    Resets a games Play Count to 0 (zero).
    Place the "ResetPlayCount.dll" file into your     ..\LaunchBox\Plugins\     folder.
    *edit* Right click ResetPlayCount.dll, select Properties and click "Unblock".  
    Start LaunchBox.
    Select just one, multiple or all (Ctrl+A) games.  Right-click and then click on "Reset Play Count" located at (or near) the bottom of the popup menu.
    There is no "Please Confirm" nor "Play Counts have been reset to 0 (zero)" message boxes.  It just does it as soon as you click it. (V1.0)
    *edit* Version 1.1 adds a confirmation message box.
    ResetPlayCount.dll - 6KB


       (2 reviews)



  13. RetroFilter

    Here is a very little utility i made to work on a database file (mame dat's and emulationstation gamelist.xml as of now).
    This allow you to remove clones, filter neogeo/cps... games etc. and either export the resulting database file to be used in clrmamepro, or copy the filtered rom's from a source folder to a destination folder. 
    Here is a (crappy) video i made to show how to make a neogeo database with clones removed, from latest mame database: https://www.loom.com/share/201bb24881134311b63898561ded1e4c
    Source code: https://github.com/Cpasjuste/retrofilter


       (1 review)



  14. Bulk Custom Command-Line Editor - plugin

    Bulk Custom Command-Line Editor
    Use this to set (or clear) the Custom Command-Line Parameter for the selected games.
    The would be the same as selecting a game, click Edit, go to the Emulation tab and check "Use Custom Command-Line Parameters:" and entering in a command line.  But for multiple games all at once.
    This will not change anything for the Emulator itself (i.e. Edit Emulator). This is only for the selected games' Custom Command-Line.
    Setting up:
    1) Copy "BulkEditCommandLine.dll" into your LaunchBox\Plugin folder.
    2) Navigate to the folder, right click the dll file, click Properties then click Unblock.Using:
    3) Start LaunchBox
    4) Select a game (or games), right click and choose "Bulk Command Line Editor"
         - Type in the command line and click "Finish" (or hit Enter)
         - To clear the Command-Line for the selected game(s), leave blank and click "Finish"
         - To exit without making changes, click "Cancel"


       (5 reviews)



  15. Mame Checker

    This program will compare your LaunchBox database to Mame. You can see what games have been added, renamed, or removed from Mame since the last version.
    I created this program because I was having trouble with LaunchBox importing roms after each new version of Mame. I tried using the add new roms button in LaunchBox, and when i checked each game after I noticed a lot of games did not get imported correctly, and I was not sure if all games were added or not. This tool is designed to be used with a full mame set, but I guess it could be used on an incomplete set too. 
    You will need to create an XML list from Mame, and have a catver.ini file.
    This program works on a combined database. I am not sure if this will work if all your child roms are separated. 
    Your additional applications must be in the default combined name.
    (ie: "Play Red Hawk (horizontal, Greece) Version...") if you do not have the Version with 3 . it will show missing. Also in a parent game Make sure you have the version of the game in the version field of launchbox. Anything in () is the version. If a game does not have a version that is fine.
    Everything is case and space sensitive.
    How to use Mame Check:
    1. Make a copy of your LaunchBox database for mame in your Launchbox\Data\Platforms folder
       WARNING! While testing this i did get duplicate entries in my Launchbox database. I'm not sure how this happened as I don't know how to write to XML yet. I think what happened is I had the     arcade.xml file loaded in Notepad++, and after LaunchBox updated the list, notepad interfered with it. PLEASE backup your Arcade xml file first just to be safe.
    2. Open command prompt
         go to your mame folder
         type mame64.exe -listxml >213.xml
    3.  go to http://www.progettosnaps.net/catver/
         click on download catlist, catver & genre
         extract catver.ini to your mame folder (NOTE: a new catver.ini file is not always available as soon as a new mame version. You might have to wait a few days for a new one!)
    4. launch Mame/Launchbox checker
        loading the xml files can be done in any order.
    5. click browse button for Mamelist XML location
        choose your xml file from mame folder
    6. click browse button for Launchbox xml location
        choose Arcade.xml or Mame.xml file from your Launchbox\Data\Platforms folder (NOTE: It is the name of the platform you are using)
    7.Click browse button for Catver.ini location
        choose catver.ini file from your mame folder and wait for a few minutes while it builds the mame filter.
         It can take up to 5 minutes or more!
    8. You can hide genres from either launchbox or Mame
         it is better to hide from mame! Put a check box next to the generas you want to hide
    9. Click Search button at the bottom.

    Program will show not responding, and icon will turn to loading icon while it is building the list.
    Grab a drink or play some games... this will take a while! It takes about 5 minutes or so on my slowish computer.
    you can copy the name from the cell by clicking the cell and pressing ctrl + c. then you can paste it into Launchbox game information.
    In this screen shot I am hiding all of the Whac-AMole games, and Utilities.  There are actually more generas that are checked if you scroll up in the mame filter.
    The green Fields are what the games are labeled as in Mame.
    The yellow fields are games that are incorrect in LaunchBox.
    The red fields are games that are missing from launchbox.
    I list the rom that mame is expecting next to each name as sometimes mame changes the rom names.
    You can see if your parent or clone is incorrect.

    Here is a matching Launchbox database compared to what Mame has.
    Games listed in this salmon color have either been removed from Mame, or do not have the same genera as what Catver.ini have. Clones that have different genera than their parent will be listed here.
    The games listed in this screen shot will always be listed as they are mature clones of their parents or are test versions of the roms.

    I am new to programming, and this is my first program. It is not the prettiest program, and needs to be optimized better. But it is functional.
    Hopefully it helps some of you.
    To Do:
    1. fix auto formating and stretching of the screens.
    2. add duplicate removing functionality.
    3. add auto backup of platform xml file.
    I am happy to share my source if anyone wants to improve this, or see what the program is doing.


       (0 reviews)



  16. Steam Scraper

    Plugin that scrapes Steam Information, banner, screenshots and video to a selected game.
    Requirements: Launchbox 8.8+
    Install: Extract the content of zip file to : Launchbox/plugins/SteamScraper
    Source code: Github (feel free to make a pull request )
    Thanks to:
     @fawkesyeah for the extensive testing
    @CriticalCid for Ideas.
    If you have trouble running the plugin and crashing due CAS error, please right click on the DLL's , properties and then unblock.

    Just paste the Steam URL from the game that you need to scrape information.
    Video Tutorial:
    If you want to add Additional Custom fields and Tags please edit the properties.json :
    Note: This will generate a LOT of tags, I advise to hide it if you are going to use it. (Legacy Settings -> Game Details -> Disable Custom Fields)

    Also if you have the SteamDB or SteamSpy Link only you can use it to get the Steam metadata as well, the regex works just remind to put the / on the final url just like this:



       (6 reviews)



  17. Grila's Custom BigBox Controls

    Update 7/2/2019: The SlimDX library was replaced with the SharpDX library because SlimDX hasn't been updated since 2012. Hopefully this will alleviate any of the problems with the plugin not working. @Jason Carr, @viking, @shro2016 and anyone else I missed.  A few custom controls to add extra functionality to BigBox themes. Read the documentation included in the download.

    Place GrilaBBControlsPlugin.dll and SlimDX.dll SharpDX.dll and SharpDX.XInput.dll in either LaunchBox\Plugins or the plugins folder of a specific theme

    Open a new or existing BigBox theme in Visual Studio and add a reference to the project. Browse to the directory you copied the files to in the first step and select GrilaBBControlsPlugin.dll.

    In any views you wish to utilize the controls, add the plugin to the namespace.
    Ex. xmlns:g="clr-namespace:GrilaBBControlsPlugin;assembly=GrilaBBControlsPlugin"

    Use like any other element by prefixing the namespace defined in the previous step (a quick selection box should appear after typing the namespace prefix) and select the desired control.

    There are exposed properties for most of the controls that allow the user to customize their appearance as they wish. Below is a list of all available properties that can be changed:

    GrilaTime – a more customizable version of the built-in time control:
    •    Any normal TextBlock options like foreground, font family, font style, etc.
    •    GrilaTimeFormat is a string defining the DateTime format. Default is set to “h:mm tt” for 12 hour time with AM/PM indicators and no date. Set this however you wish to get the info you want. Good examples of DateTime formats can be found here: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/8kb3ddd4(v=vs.110).aspx

    GrilaPowerStatus – shows device power status, battery charge status, and battery level
    •    GrilaBatteryBorderColor – the color of the battery outline (default Black)
    •    GrilaBatteryBorderThickness – the width of the battery outline (default 15)
    •    GrilaBatteryCornerRadius – the radius of the battery corners (default 5)
    •    GrilaBatteryProgressForeground – the color of the battery level progress bar (default Lime)
    •    GrilaBatteryProgressBackground – the background color of the battery level progress bar (default #111111)
    •    GrilaBatteryProgressMargin – the margin between the battery outline and the battery level progress bar (default 0)
    •    GrilaChargeIconForeground – the color of the charging symbol when the battery is charging (default BatteryOutlineBorderColor)
    •    GrilaPlugIconForeground – the color of the plug symbol when the device has no battery (desktop system) (default BatteryOutlineBorderColor)

    GrilaControllerStatus – shows the connection state and battery level (if wireless) for up to 4 xinput controllers
    •    GrilaControllerColor – the color of the controller(s) (default Black)
    •    GrilaControllerLightOnColor – the color of the charge level indicator lights when on (default Lime)
    •    GrilaControllerLightOffColor – the color of the charge level indicator lights when off (default Black)


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  18. MAME ColecoVision Software System Custom Artwork File

    The standard issue of the ColecoVision software system artwork file, coleco.zip limits all games to a common, generic bezel. That's how MAME does software system external artwork by default.
    This is essentially an expanded version of coleco.zip, that will allow each game (it caters for the 141 games associated with the Bezel Project ColecoVision pack) to display it's own bezel at launch.
    Note that this is for MAME standalone only and is not compatible with RetroArch.
    Once downloaded, the file MAME Colecovision.zip should be unzipped.
    The artwork file in the download is coleco.zip and it contains a generic coleco bezel as well as my multi-view lay file.
    The game bezels themselves are not included, due to permission from the Bezel Project to distribute them not sought, so you will need to download the pack and drop the bezels into the artwork coleco.zip yourself.
    You will also need to set LaunchBox Custom Command-line Parameters to allow MAME to match the correct bezel for each game. This is explained in the download.
    The coleco.zip artwork file will work whether you are emulating using direct media calls (games with the long naming and col extension) or emulating using a software list.


       (0 reviews)



  19. Nuvee PSCX2 Configurator Next Nuvee Edition(LightGuns)

    Hello, I thought I would gather everything in one thread aswell upload all files, with my fork of PSCX2 Configurator, all I have added to the code is lines to use nuvee ini files.
    This awesome tool was created by alec100_94 all credits to him, I saw an opportunity to fork it and add nuvee support especially for lightguns. All info how to use the PSCX2 Configurator can be found in alec100's post.
    As the original plugin, it works exactly the same but with the added options of Nuvee, I was too noob to push it into github, I tried but ended up making 10000 patches which I couldn't understand.
    I have attached the Nuvee plugin from Shalma which still works in PCSX2 Today, this also includes calibrations for 1080p screens, you might need to redo the calibrations depending on your screen, but information in a code blow.
    Nuvee Plugin + 1080 Calls.rar
    Taken from arcadecontrols.
    Here's a little guide to install and configure Nuvee plugin with PCSX2. Dual gun (Dual Aimtraks) for 2P games is working. And as bonus some ideas / basic scripts to execute PCSX2 + Nuvee from a frontend Please forgive me for not beeing extremely precise in the latest part (calibration tweaking, various game issues) as I did that several month ago and I do not remember exactly all of it. Notes : - I based this guide on a fresh new install, so there is no old/default PCSX2 already present on my hard disk (MyDocuments\PCSX2\ folder) - I kept path from my system (so that scripts can be understandable) so don't forget to adapt those parts - PCSX2 version is the latest one available : PCSX2 1.4.0 - Time Crisis 2 and Time Crisis 3 are working great without any speedhack BUT you'll need the latest PS2 NTSC bios (2.30). Older bios have issues with i-link (for 2 players) emulation and games are too slow to be playable Step 1 : Installation 1) Download and install PCSX2 ( link here ) 2) Download Nuvee plugin ( link here ) 3) Extract Nuvee archive and copy the file nuvee_ps2_usb.dll from archive's nuvee_ps2_usb - guncon2, keyboard, mouse\bin\ folder into the plugin folder of PCSX2 4) Install your bios files (by default, MyDocuments\PCSX2\bios\) 5) ! Important Trick ! Manually create a folder named inis into PCSX2 folder. Without it Nuvee won't be able to read/write config files !! 6) Now execute PCSX2, choose your language and if it's the first startup, you'll see the Plugin selection window. If it's not your first startup, open it with Config -> Plugin/BIOS Selector menus 7a) Select LilyPad as PAD plugin and click the Configure... button, set Keyboard API to DirectInput and Mouse API to Disabled 7b) You can go to Pad1 and Pad2 tab and configure your keys for directionnal arrows, select, etc.... (optionnal step but recommended) 8 ) Select nuvee ps2 usb 0.2.0 [nuvee_ps2_usb] as USB plugin 9) Click OK and on the next window choose your bios (again, if first startup) 10) Now on the main window, open Config -> Emulation Settings window, then select GS Window tab. Uncheck Double-click toggles fullscreen mode Uncheck Always Hide mouse cursor Uncheck Default to fullscreen mode on open Installation is finished, just make sure everything is working good by testing a game (let's say...End Game for example). You'll have no lightgun controls yet, this is normal Step 2 : 1st Nuvee Game We'll start with a simple one, for 1P game (End Game) : 1) On the main window, open Config -> USB -> Plugin Settings... window Set Port1 to Guncon 2 Set Port2 to None UnCheck Swap lightgun players 1-2 2) Don't close PCSX2, go to the previously created inis folder, there should be a nuvee_ps2_usb_main.ini file looking like this : Code: [Select] PORT1 = 1 PORT2 = 1 HIDMOUSE_API = 0 Debug = 0 Swap lightguns = 1 Snap mouse = 1 These are corresponding values of what was just modified by the GUI This can be edited/copied manually in the future 3) Back on Nuvee plugin window, click the Config button of the Port1 Check use Keyboard as D-PAD Set "Left" to Trigger Set "Right" to Start Set "Middle" to A (A button = pedal/cover) Select EndGame (U) in the dropdown list Check Mouse Calibration Hack Click Acquire button and follow the procedure (close dialog window and push Aimtrak Trigger) If you're using an Aimtrak, only buttons acting like mouse clicks will be recognized. Other buttons available or other buttons (real pedal, panel buttons..) will have to be set on an Autohotkey script to send keyboard input according to this model : 4) For information, the small buttons on top of the game list : E = Open the calibration file to edit it D = Restore default calibration values (for all games !!!) 5) Go back to the inis folder in PCSX2 directpry, you'll see 2 more files : nuvee_ps2_usb_guncon_profiles.ini : calibration values file (for all games) nuvee_ps2_usb_guncon1.ini : Port1 gun configuration (buttons, selected game, etc....) 6) Back to PCSX2, you can now launch the game and you should arrive to calibration screen. Shoot the target, it should work If you're still in windowed mode, the mouse cursor should be aligned with PCSX2 aimtrak aim, but if you go fullscreen you'll see it going off at the borders. Now is a fun part....calibration ! 7) Open your nuvee_ps2_usb_guncon_profiles.ini and look for End Game(u) line, you'll see 4 values. You'll have to tweak them one by one so that, according to your resolution, your mouse pointer is accurate with in-game cursor everywhere. To do so, no need to quit PCSX2 : press ESC to pause game, modify the values, save the file and go back to PCSX2 to resume the game. 8 ) Once calibration is OK, copy both nuvee_ps2_usb_main.ini and nuvee_ps2_usb_guncon1.ini to a specific EndGame folder you'll have to create somewhere on your disk. It will be used later. That's it for the 1st game ! Step 3 : Set up another game, 2P mode Now let's try to set up Virtua Cop: 1) On the main window, open Config -> USB -> Plugin Settings... window Set Port1 to Guncon 2 Set Port2 to Guncon 2 Check Swap lightgun players 1-2 2) Click the Config button of the Port1 Check use Keyboard as D-PAD Set "Left" to Trigger Set "Right" to Reload Set "Middle" to Start Select Virtua Cop (U) in the dropdown list Check Mouse Calibration Hack Click Acquire button and follow the procedure (close dialog window and push P1 Aimtrak Trigger) Save and close 3) Click the Config button of the Port2 Check use Keyboard as D-PAD Set "Left" to Trigger Set "Right" to Reload Set "Middle" to Start Select Virtua Cop (U) in the dropdown list Check Mouse Calibration Hack Click Acquire button and follow the procedure (close dialog window and push P2 Aimtrak Trigger) Save and close 4) Now launch Virtua Cop Elite, and start again calibration file tweaking 5) Once calibration is over, copy nuvee_ps2_usb_main.ini, nuvee_ps2_usb_guncon1.ini and nuvee_ps2_usb_guncon2.ini to a specific VirtuaCop folder you'll have to create somewhere on your disk. It will be used later. Step 4 : Set up all other games Now it's up to you, set up as many games as you want and each time you finished, copy the Nuvee files to a game specific folder. As you see, for each game you'll be able to select different config for your Aimtrak inputs (offscreen reload, pedal button....) and sometimes you'll have to check or uncheck "swap guns"....a lot of trial and errors to configure Nuvee. You may have some issue with Crisis Zone, in my memory when I made the gun to work, it would not shoot as an automatic when I stay pressed on the trigger. There's a way to bypass that I'll talk about it later I'm joining in a zip at the bottom (Nuvee_GameFiles.zip) all my working files, with calibration values for my 1080p display Before going into a more advanced tutorial, now that every game is working fine on his own, you can set these option to finalize : On the main window, open Config -> Emulation Settings window, then select GS Window tab. Check Always Hide mouse cursor Check Default to fullscreen mode on open Step 5 : Try to make it "frontend friendly" Ok, now you have a good understanding of how the plugin is working : you have to launch PCSX2, go into USB menu to configure you lightgun buttons, select your profile game so that the calibration is accurate, then launch a game..... Luckily you have now a bunch of saved Nuvee files (for each game) with all those information on it. So let's make a little Autohotkey script, let's call it PCSX2_TC2.ahk (once again, adapt filepath to your system !) : Code: [Select] ;Copying Nuvee configuration and TimeCrisis 2 game profile FileCopy, D:\PS2\Jeux\Time Crisis II\nuvee_ps2_usb_guncon1.ini, D:\PS2\PCSX2 1.2.1\inis, 1 FileCopy, D:\PS2\Jeux\Time Crisis II\nuvee_ps2_usb_guncon2.ini, D:\PS2\PCSX2 1.2.1\inis, 1 FileCopy, D:\PS2\Jeux\Time Crisis II\nuvee_ps2_usb_main.ini, D:\PS2\PCSX2 1.2.1\inis, 1 Run, D:\PS2\PCSX2 1.2.1\pcsx2-r5875.exe "D:\PS2\Jeux\Time Crisis II\Time Crisis II [NTSC_US].iso" --fullscreen --nogui, D:\PS2\PCSX2 1.2.1 Execute this script, and voilà :) if you want to add more buttons just add those kind of code to the script : Code: [Select] ;P1 Pedal(optional) 1Joy5:: Send {f Down} Sleep 100 Send {f Up} Return I do not use Hyperspin or RocketLauncher or anything like that, so this script is NOT MADE to be used with these frontends, bust it's just here to give you some example of what can be done to use PCSX2 and Nuvee without needing to go in the emulator menus. I know those frontends are highly scriptable so there has to be a way to implement it, I'll let you find how ! :) Various issues I ran into : Guns are inverted : In USB nuvee window, where you set Port1 and Port2 to guncon, check or unchek Swap lightgun palyers 1-2 Important note : if you're adding another mouse or USB device, it can totally screw your Nuvee config (as for TroubleShooter2 and MAME without controllerRemap utility) Time Crisis 2 and Time Crisis 3 are horribly slow Get the latest NTSC BIOS v2.30 Time Crisis 2 and Time Crisis 3 have a white fog never disappearing For the graphic plugin, choose Direct3D 9 (hardware) instead of Direct3D 11 Autofire does not work in Crisis Zone, only 1 bullet is fired This issue is linked to the "Mouse Calibration Hack" checkbox in P1 or P2 config of Nuvee : - If checked, you can calibrate the guns when the game asks you to at start. But autofire is not working - When unchecked, you can't calibrate the guns - and so can't go pass the calibration screen - but autofire is working So what I did to trick the system : 1) On the main window, open Config -> USB -> Plugin Settings... window Set Port1 to None Set Port2 to None Check Swap lightgun players 1-2 2) Load Crisis Zone game, it will load straight to the main title screen without going through the calibration menu. But you can't control anything yet 3) Go back to the main window, open Config -> USB -> Plugin Settings... window Set Port1 to Guncon2 Click Config button for Port1 Uncheck Mouse Calibration Hack Set your buttons as usual (for pedal, etc...just like for time crisis 2 &3 ), acquire the gun if needed Select the Crisis Zone profile for aligment/plugin calibration Click OK button 4) Back to USB Nuvee plugin config, set Port1 to Guncon 2 [/b] and check Reconnect USB devices (PS2 Detection) Click OK button This should force the Gun to be recognised, and this time autofire will work ! But as you'll see, calibration is completely off 5) To make things easier, make a savestate of your game (press F1 to save to slot 0) 6) Use impacts when fire on title menu screen to calibrate the game by changing values in the corresponding profile in nuvee_ps2_usb_guncon_profiles.ini 7) Now your gun should be calibrated, autofire should work. To use it now, and bypass the whole NoDevice-Guncon swap thing, just keep the final Nuvee configuration, load the game and press F3 to load the savesate 8)You can now save inis files if you want to swap Nuvee configs with AHK scripts, and you can implement an auto F3 keypress a few seconds after launching the emulator to load the CirsisZone Savestate by the script  
    Follow the guide and copy the files to which pcsx2 config you are using, to calibrate you need to use mouse hack then disable it and use load state inorder to get 1:1 gameplay.
    I thought I gather all information here in order to make it easier for people to use nuvee pscx2.


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  20. Arcade Classics Windows 10 Desktop Theme

    This is the ONLY Windows 10 Arcade Classics Desktop Theme available anywhere (that I could find)!  I know this is not specifically LaunchBox related but it is retro-gaming related so I though I would share.
    I created this desktop theme for Windows 10 from 33 images and 30 wave files found around the internet and use them for my arcade cabinet. I take no credit for any of the images or sounds but thought I would share the theme in case anyone's interested. I put the Sound Scheme and Images together to create an ARCADE CLASSICS WINDOWS 10 DESKTOP THEME. Most images are 1920x1080 except for 2 that are a bit bigger and don't look that good scaled down.
    1. Place the Arcade Classics Folder containing the WAV files into your %WINDIR%/media folder. Press WINDOW KEY + R then type in %WINDIR%/media to open the folder.
    2. Double-click on the ARCADE CLASSICS THEME file (Arcade Classics.deskthemepack). It should connect the sound scheme to the desktop theme.
    I also included a VBS script that makes the desktop wallpaper rotate to the next random image and a shortcut to this script that makes it easy to double-click and run the script. You WILL NEED TO EDIT THE SHORTCUT depending on where you move the VBS script but I included it for completeness. Put the VB-SCRIPT wherever you'd like then edit the shourtcut to point to the vb-script. I have my script in my ../Hyperspin/ folder and the shortcut on my desktop but you can place it in your Launchbox directory or wherever you'd like.
    Enjoy, and let me know in the comments below if you have any issues with the theme or what your favorite images are. I like Space Invaders, Star Wars, and Battle Zone the best.


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  21. HelperControl

    This HelperControl has been integrated into LB 9.4.  I have included a link with steps to help reference the library within big box.  Thank you to everyone that has used this plugin and thank you to @Jason Carr for integrating it into the latest release. 
    This XAML User Control is provided as is and without warranty and should only be used by Theme Developers.   
    The purpose of this control is to add scrolling Horizontal text as done in the Aeon Nox theme.
    Returns total game count for platforms and playlist 
    * Please read the PDF file explaining how it's used.  
    ** Total Game Count works in all languages


       (1 review)



  22. File 2 LB

    This is a basic cmd/bat script. It's main purpose is to copy full sets from a huge source folder.
    It's only purpose is to copy or move roms and images to your LaunchBox Games or Images folder based on a list.
    Because the file extension is set up with a wildcard, it can copy or move any file with the same name of the rom.
    Example being: Super Mario Bros. (World).zip / Super Mario Bros. (World).nes / Super Mario Bros. (World).mpg / Super Mario Bros. (World).png all can be moved/copied
    because it ignores the extension. Just make sure to run the .bat in the correct source folder, weather it be roms, images, videos ect.
    This is a .bat so you can view it in notepad if you want to see what exactly it's doing.
    I provided a readme file with example code I used and will continue to add more platforms.
    I've expanded upon my initial release of just copying mame roms, to copying or moving many platform roms or images.
    I know no one wants 30,0000+ mame roms in LaunchBox when most either don't work or a lot are weird mature or mahjong roms 
    There is currently 30 platforms and 2 options for MAME and options for mame bios/device files.
    File names are based on the No-Intro rom/image sets. Each platform is a list of file names to be moved or copied, similar to a HyperList xml.
    I'm using file names only based off No-Intro sets, which is what seems to be what Hyperspin uses. So for example if the  HyperList xml of Atari 2600 has 667 roms, I've created a file list to copy/move 667 roms.
    Files will be copied/moved within the same drive. Once it's
    done you can move/rename the destination folder to where ever you want.
    Use either .bat file:
    File 2 LB (Copy).bat
    File 2 LB (Move).bat
    Place the .bat file in the folder of the source of your roms, images, or whatever source your needing.
    D:\Nintendo Entertainment System  Source <-- (Place the .bat here)
    Run the .bat by double-clicking it.
    If your running this on the root of your C:\ drive you may need
    to right click the .bat and "Run as Administrator"
    Here is an example below:
    Follow the instructions on screen.
    Set folder directory D:\LaunchBox\[Games|Images]:Games
    List the Platform you want to copy or move.
    Type: LP (This will List Platforms)
    The following is a list of options to copy/move that platform: 
    1 =    (AAE)
    2 =    (Atari 2600)
    3 =    (Atari 5200)
    4 =    (Atari 7800)
    5 =    (Atari Jaguar)
    6 =    (Atari Lynx)
    7 =    (Capcom Play System)
    8 =    (Capcom Play System II)
    9 =    (Cave)
    10 =    (MAME NO-casino-clones-mahjong-mature-quiz-electro-utilities)
    11 =    (MAME NO-casino-mahjong-mature-quiz-electro-utilities)
    12 =    (MAME _NoFiller-Plus 675 Most Popular working roms)
    13 =    (Mame Bios Pack)
    14 =    (Mame Devices Pack)
    15 =    (NEC TurboGrafx-16)
    16 =    (Nintendo Entertainment System)
    17 =    (Nintendo Famicom)
    18 =    (Nintendo Famicom Disk System)
    19 =    (Nintendo Game Boy)
    20 =    (Nintendo Game Boy Advance)
    21 =    (Nintendo Game Boy Color)
    22 =    (Nintendo GameCube)
    23 =    (Nintendo Super Famicom)
    24 =    (Nintendo WiiWare)
    25 =    (Nintendo 64)
    26 =    (Sammy Atomiswave)
    27 =    (Sega 32x)
    28 =    (Sega CD)
    29 =    (Sega Dreamcast)
    30 =    (Sega Genesis)
    31 =    (Sega Master System)
    32 =    (Sega Naomi)
    33 =    (Super Nintendo Entertainment System)
    Type Platform number:16 
    Read on screen instructions and press any key to start.
    When it is finished it will create a LOG file in folder of the copied/moved files,
    and copy/move the roms or images based on the exe to the destination folder (D:\LaunchBox\Games\Nintendo Entertainment System)
    Read the provided ReadMe.txt file for any other information or how to read the log file.
    If you have any issue let me know and I'll do my best to answer them here.
    (As with anything, make backups of your roms and images if you are in fear of them getting deleted)
    Safe bet is using the Copy Version as it only copy's, but I've used both and had no issues.
    Thanks and enjoy!


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  23. Current Weather Control for BigBox

    Yahoo killed their YQL API on January 3rd 2019, which this plugin uses to get the weather data, so it no longer works. Until I have time to switch it to a different weather API it will remain broken.
    Grila's BigBox Weather Control v1.0.2
    BigBox Control/Plugin
    This control will periodically retrieve the current weather conditions, displayed as a relevant icon, and temperature for the location you choose and display them in a BigBox theme. The location and display units (C or F) are end-user configurable. What this means is this: anyone who uses a theme that incorporates this control can set their location and display units to either Celsius or Fahrenheit by a simple edit of a config file (thank you @eatkinola for the help with that). I'm not sure if there is any want for this kind of information in BigBox (the idea came from looking at my phone's home screen), but the more options for theme's the better. 
    v1.0.2 (1/3/2018)
    Added ShowTemp bool Added ShowConditions bool v1.0.1 (1/2/2018):
    Added ShowUnits bool Added ShowLocation bool Added ItemSpacing property v1.0.0 (11/8/2017):
    Initial release  
    This isn't a plugin that can just be dropped into the plugin's folder, it's a user control that theme makers (or anyone with enough knowledge for that matter) can incorporate into their themes much like my other controls for controller status, battery percent, etc. I've included instructions (with pictures) on how to get this into a theme.
    Screenshot (upper right corner)


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  24. Streamer Helper - OBS Game Info

    Hi Guys,
    I did a simple plugin to help anyone that streams and is using Launchbox, basically I write the current playing game information to a folder (Launchbox main folder + obs). So using OBS software you can put the information on display to stream it.
    It has two types of files:
    TXT Files - Plain text, so you can put it on stream as text. Json File -  Has every Information for that game, you can build a HTML website and display it easily with some front-end knowledge. Also this is a way to test the new Interface that @Jason Carr did for us
    Requirements: Launchbox 9.2+
    Install: Extract the content of zip file to : Launchbox/plugins/OBS
    Source code: https://github.com/rodrigosiviero/launchbox_obsgameinfo (feel free to contribute)
    If you have trouble running the plugin and crashing due CAS error, please right click on the DLL's , properties and then unblock.

    This time I did a video for the usage, enjoy!


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    1 comment


  25. Unblocker-right click

    Hey, i have been using this for a lot of years and since i have noticed that people have need here for unblocker , i share mine which is automated.
    It will add unblock <directory> to right click of mouse to any folder and will "unblock" all directories within.
    There is nothing malicious about it, it has 2 files, one is streams.exe which if u do not trust mine can download from sysinternals (Microsoft), in that case just make it exe autoinstaller
    -fixed wrong link, sorry i had it in my old documentation, microsoft changed since then
    Second file is a simple registry add, again nothing malicious make ur own if u do not trust mine:
    [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shell\UnBlock (file)] [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shell\UnBlock (file)\command] @="C:\\ProgramData\\streams.exe -s -d \"%V\"" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell\UnBlock (directory)] [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell\UnBlock (directory)\command] @="C:\\ProgramData\\streams.exe -s -d \"%V\"" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\Background\shell\UnBlock (directory)] [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\Background\shell\UnBlock (directory)\command] @="C:\\ProgramData\\streams.exe -s -d \"%V\""  
    If u do use mine, then unpack Unblocker_unpack_me.zip and inside u will find two files, streams.sfx.exe and unblocker.exe , double click each of them and thats it. U will have unblock directory under right click when targeting folder.
    When u use "unblock directory" for the first time it will ask for some eula agreement , i have nothing to do with that, that is from sysinternals. Just press accept.
    Thats it.
    Have fun
    Best usage of this is if u use WPI (windows post install wizard)


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